


    由中国自动化学会数据驱动控制、学习与优化专业委员会和青岛大学联合主办,IEEE北京分会和北京信息科技大学协办, 由湖南科技大学承办的2023年IEEE第十二届数据驱动控制与学习系统会议(DDCLS’23)将于2023年5月12-14日在湖南湘潭召开。 会议旨在为数据驱动控制、学习与优化领域的国内外学者与技术人员提供一个学术交流平台,展示最新的理论与技术成果。 会议采用大会报告、专题研讨会、会前专题讲座、分组报告和张贴论文等形式进行交流。

    DDCLS会议已经连续成功举办11届,精彩的特邀报告、丰硕的研究成果、深入的学术交流、多样的会议形式铸就了 DDCLS会议的腾飞之翼。特别是近三年,面对国内外疫情反复的形势,会议组委会和各承办单位精心筹备、通力配合,在保持会议规模的情况下共 同奉献了一场高质量的线下学术盛会。DDCLS’22会议入选中国科协《重要学术会议指南》。DDCLS’23会议将更加规模化和国际化,会议的成功举办 必将对促进数据驱动控制、学习与优化领域的研究和发展,以及推动其在国际学术界的影响起到重要的作用。.

    湘潭,古称潭州,位于湖南中部,湘江中游,与长沙、株洲各相距约40公里,成“品”字状,构成湖南省政治、经济、 文化最发达的“金三角”地区,是长株潭都市圈重要一员。湘潭历史悠久、人杰地灵,是红色文化胜地和湖湘文化发源地,走出了毛主席、彭德怀 等开国元勋和曾国藩、齐白石等历史文化名人,并有湘莲、海泡石等特色物产全国闻名。湘潭生态宜居,坐拥千里湘江第一湾,生态环境优美, 森林覆盖率达46.8%。湖南湘潭欢迎您!

     DDCLS历届会议收录的英文论文均已进入IEEE Xplore数据库并被EI检索,DDCLS’23会议录用的英文论文经 IEEE审核后也将进入IEEE Xplore数据库并送EI检索。DDCL’23会议征文范围包括但不限于以下范围::

✮ 数据驱动控制理论、方法及应用
✮ 无模型自适应控制理论与应用
✮ 自抗扰控制技术及应用
✮ 数据驱动的故障诊断、健康维护与性能评价
✮ 迭代学习辨识与迭代学习控制(重复控制)
✮ 数据驱动的建模、优化、调度、决策及监控
✮ 统计学习、机器学习、数据挖掘及在自动化领域应用
✮ 应用神经网络、模糊系统的数据驱动方法
✮ 自适应动态规划、强化学习与基于学习的控制
✮ 数据驱动控制的鲁棒性
✮ 数据驱动控制与基于模型控制之间关系
✮ 数据驱动方法在工业过程中的应用
✮ 数据驱动交通系统建模、控制与优化
✮ 实际复杂系统的数据驱动控制
✮ 复杂大数据系统的技术及应用
✮ 工业过程大数据及系统和控制

    投稿须知: 本次会议的投稿论文请于2022年12月31日,2023年1月31日, 2023年2月28日 前通过 http://cms.amss.ac.cn/ 提交全文初稿。 录用文章的作者需要按照会议要求撰写论文并提交终稿。会议接受的投稿类型包括口头/张贴论文、邀请组论文、 长摘要论文,具体的稿件要求详见DDCLS’23 会议网站 https://ddcls23.hnust.edu.cn。 会议接收的论文需作者注册并到会宣讲,有问题可以咨询secretary_ddcls@163.com

提交论文/邀请组申请截止日期 录用通知日期 终稿提交/作者注册截止日期
2022 年 12 月 31 日,2023 年 1 月 31 日, 2023 年 2 月 28 日 2023 年 3 月 25 日 2023 年 4 月 12 日
Call For Papers


    The 2023 IEEE 12th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS’23), an annual conference jointly organized by technical committee on Data Driven Control, Learning and Optimization, Chinese Association of Automation, sponsored by IEEE Beijing Section and Beijing Information Science and Technology University, and locally organized by Hunan University of Science and Technology, will be held during May 12-14, 2023 in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, China. The objectives of DDCLS’23 are to provide high quality research and professional interactions on the advancement of theory, technology and practical applications in the fields of data-driven control, learning, automation and optimization. The conference consists of keynote addresses, distinguished lectures panel discussion, workshops, oral and poster sessions.

    The DDCLS conference has been successfully held for 11 consecutive sessions. The wonderful invited presentations, fruitful research results, in-depth academic exchanges and various conference formats have forged the soaring wings of DDCLS conference. Especially facing the rigorous pandemicity in the past three years, the organizing committee and the local organizers have cooperated to dedicate a high-quality academic event in-site. DDCLS'22 was issued as the 2022 Top Academic Conferences by Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST).

    Xiangtan, called Tanzhou in ancient times, is located in the middle of Hunan province and the middle reaches of the Xiangjiang River. It is about 40 kilometers away from Changsha and Zhuzhou. It constitutes the "Golden Triangle" area with the most developed politics, economy and culture in Hunan Province, and is an important member of the Chang-Zhu-Tan metropolitan area. Xiangtan has a long history and outstanding people. It is a red cultural resort and the birthplace of Huxiang culture. It is the hometown of founding fathers Chairman Mao and Dehuai Peng, as well as historical and cultural celebrities such as Guofan Zeng and Baishi Qi. It is also famous for its characteristic products such as Xianglian and sepiolite. Xiangtan is ecologically livable, sitting on the first bay of the Xiangjiang River, with a beautiful ecological environment and a forest coverage rate of 46.8%. Welcome to Xiangtan!

     The English papers accepted by our previous DDCLS conferences had been included in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by EI Compendex or ISTP database. The DDCLS’23 covers both theory and applications in all the areas of data driven control and learning systems. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


  • Data-driven control theory, approaches and applications 
  • Model-free adaptive control theory and applications 
  • Active disturbance rejection control and applications 
  • Data-driven fault diagnosis, health maintenance and performance evaluation 
  • Iterative learning identification, iterative learning control(repetitive control) 
  • Data-driven modeling, optimization, scheduling, decision and simulation 
  • Statistical learning, machine learning, data mining and practical applications in automation field 
  • Neural networks, fuzzy systems control methods in data driven manner 
  • Adaptive dynamic programming, reinforcement learning and learning based control 
  • Robustness on data-driven control 
  • Relationships between data-driven and model-based control methods 
  • Complementary controller design approaches and relationships between data-driven and model-based control methods 
  • Applications of data-driven methods to industrial processes
  • Data-driven modeling, control and optimization for traffic systems 
  • Data-driven control for practical complex processes
  • Technology and applications of complex big-data systems 
  • Big data in industrial processes and its applications in modeling and control 

    Submission Notices: Full papers (regular or invited) describing original work, extended abstract, invited session proposals should be submitted by December 31, 2022 , January 31, 2023 , February 28, 2023 through the portal http://cms.amss.ac.cn/. Upon acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers at DDCLS’23. For further information and submission requirements for manuscript, please refer to the conference website https://ddcls23.hnust.edu.cn or contact us via email secretary_ddcls@163.com.

Full Paper/Invited Session Proposals Submission Notification of Acceptance Final Manuscript Submission/Author Registration
December 31, 2022 , January 31, 2023 , February 28, 2023 March 25 , 2023 April 12 , 2023